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  1. Zinia, F. A., Bhandari , P., Tuffour , J. P., Hong, A. (2023) Evaluating social equity of transit accessibility:
    A case of Salt Lake County, U.S. Transportation Research Record. doi: 10.1177/03611981231170005


  2. Greer, V., Canham, S. L., Hong, A., Agutter, J., Garcia Zambrana, I., & Van Natter, J. M. (2023).
    Shifting perspectives: Outlooks on aging in place in the Covid-19 era. Ageing & Society. doi: 10.1017/S0144686X23000211


  3. Greer, V., Canham, S. L., Hong, A., Agutter, J., Garcia Zambrana, I., & Van Natter, J. M. (2023). Aging
    in place through the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives from aging service providers. Journal of Applied
    . doi: 10.1177/07334648231159375


  4. Hong, A., Welch-Stockton, J., Kim, J. Y., Canham, S. L., Greer, V., & Sorweid, M. (2023) Age-friendly
    community interventions for health and social outcomes: A scoping review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20032554


  5. Hong, A. & Chakrabarti, S., (2022) Compact living or policy inaction? Effects of urban density and lockdown
    on the Covid-19 outbreak in the U.S. Urban Studies. doi: 10.1177/00420980221127401


  6. Ahn, H., Lee, J., Hong, A. (2022) Urban form and air pollution: Clustering patterns of urban form factors
    related to particulate matter concentrations in Seoul, South Korea. Sustainable Cities and Society. 103859.
    doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2022.103859


  7. Hong, A., Baker, L., Prieto, R., Buswala, B., Guan, C., Ravindranath, D., Duminy, J. (2022) Reconciling the
    gap between big data and thick data to advance the new urban science and smart city governance. Journal
    of Urban Affairs
    . doi: 10.1080/07352166.2021.2021085


  8. Frank, L.D., Bigazzi, A., Hong, A., Minaker, L., Fisher, P., Raine, K. (2022) Built environment influences on
    healthy eating and active living: the NEWPATH study. Obesity. doi: 10.1002/oby.23352


  9. Frank, L.D., Adhikari, B., White, K.R., Dummer, T., Sandhu, J. Demlow, E., Hu, Y., Hong, A., Van den
    Bosch, M., (2022) Chronic disease and where you live: Built and natural environment relationships with physical activity, obesity, and diabetes. Environment International, 158, 106959. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2021.106959


  10. Houlden, V., Jani, A., Hong, A. (2021) Is biodiversity of greenspace important for human health and wellbeing? A scoping literature review. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 66, 127385. doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2021.127385

  11. Adhikari, B., Delgado-Ron, J.A., White, K.R., Van den Bosch, M., Dummer, T., Hong, A., Sandhu, J., Demlow, E., Hu, Y., Frank, L.D., (2021) Community Design and hypertension: Walkability and park access relationships with cardiovascular health. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 237. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2021.113820

  12. Ahn, H., Lee, J., Hong, A. (2021) Does urban greenway design affect air pollution exposure? A Case Study of Seoul, South Korea. Sustainable Cities and Society, 72. doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2021.103038

  13. Jo, Y., Hong, A., and Sung, H. (2021). Density or Connectivity: What Are the Main Causes of the Spatial Proliferation of COVID-19 in Korea?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), 5084. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18105084

  14. Patino, J.E., Hong, A., Duque, J, Rahimi, K., Zapata, S., and Lopera, V.M. (2021) Built environment and mortality risk from cardiovascular disease and diabetes in Medellin, Colombia: An ecological study. Landscape and Urban Planning, 213, 104126. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2021.104126

  15. Frank, L. D., Hong, A., & Ngo, V. D. (2021). Build It and They Will Cycle: Causal Evidence from the Downtown Vancouver Comox Greenway. Transport Policy.

  16. Kang, J., Hong, A, Sung, H. (2021) Moderating effect of ICT use on the relationship between neighborhood walkability and subjective quality of life (QoL). The Journal of Korea Planning Association (Korean).

  17. Rosella L, O'Neill M, Fisher S, Hurst M, Dimert L, Kornas K, Hong, A, Manuel DG. (2020) A study protocol for a predictive algorithm to assess population-based premature mortality risk: Premature Mortality Population Risk Tool (PreMPoRT). Diagnostic and Prognostic Research, 4:18.

  18. Hong, A., Martinez, L., Patino, J.E., Duque, J., Rahimi, K. (2021) Green space and health disparities in the
    Global South: Evidence from Cali, Colombia. Health & Place, 72, 102690. doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2021.10


  19. Adhikari, B., Hong, A., and Frank, L.D. (2020) Residential relocation, preferences, life events, and travel behavior: A pre-post study. Research in Transportation Business and Management, 36

  20. Rossa-Roccor, V., Acheson, E., Andrade-Rivas, F., Coombe, M., Ogura, S., Super, L., Hong, A. (2020) A scoping review and bibliometric analysis of the term `Planetary Health' in the peer-reviewed literature. Frontiers in Public Health.

  21. Mei, K., Huang, H., Xia, F., Hong, A., Chen, X., Zhang, C., Qiu, G., Chen, G., Wang, Z., Wang, C., Yang, B., Xiao, Q., Jia, P. (2020) State-of-the-art of measures of the obesogenic environment for children. Obesity Reviews

  22. Wang, Z, Zhao, L, Huang L., Hong A., Yu C., Xiao Q., Zou B., Xin J., Zhang L., Zhang J., Wang Y., Jia P. (2020) Traffic-related environmental factors and childhood obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews.

  23. Guan, ChengHe, Keith, Michael, and Hong, Andy (2019) Designing walkable cities and neighborhoods in the era of urban big data. Urban Planning International, 34(5): 9-15 (Chinese).

  24. Hong, Andy, Byoungjun Kim, and Michael Widener (2019) Noise and the City: Leveraging crowdsourced big data to examine the spatio-temporal relationship between urban development and noise annoyance. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science.

  25. Frank, Lawrence D., Mayaud, Jerome, Hong, Andy, Fisher, Pat, Kershaw, Suzanne (2019) Unmet demand for walkable neighborhoods in a mid-sized Canadian community: Implications for planning. Journal of Planning Education and Research.

  26. Frank, Lawrence D., Hong, Andy, and Ngo, Victor D (2019) Causal evaluation of urban greenway retrofit: A longitudinal study on physical activity and sedentary behavior. Preventive Medicine.

  27. Frank, Lawrence D, Iroz-Elardo, Nicole, MacLeod, Kara E., and Hong, Andy (2019). Pathways from built environment to health: A conceptual framework linking behavior and exposure-based impacts. Journal of Transport & Health.

  28. Hong, Andy. (2019). Effect of mode shift from car to light rail on personal exposure: A controlled experiment. Atmospheric Environment, 196: 53-65.

  29. Hong, Andy, Sallis, James F., King, Abby C., Conway, Terry, Saelens, Brian, Cain, Kelli, Fox, Eric, Frank, Lawrence. (2018). Linking green space to neighborhood social capital in older adults: The role of perceived safety. Social Science & Medicine, 207: 38-45.

  30. Boarnet, Marlon G, Hong, Andy, Santiago-Bartolomei, Raul. (2017). Urban spatial structure, employment subcenters, and freight travel.  Journal of Transport Geography, 60: 267-276.

  31. Kim, Dohyung, Park, JiYoung, Hong, Andy. (2017). The role of destination's built environment on nonmotorized travel behavior: A case of Long Beach, California. Journal of Planning Education and Research.

  32. Hong, Andy, Boarnet, Marlon G., Houston, Douglas. (2016). New light rail transit and active travel: A longitudinal study. Transportation Research Part A, 92: 131-144.

  33. Hong, Andy, Schweitzer, Lisa, Marr, Lindsey, Yang, Wan. (2015). Impact of temporary freeway closure on regional air quality: A lesson from Carmageddon in Los Angeles, United States. Environmental Science and Technology, 49(5): 3211–3218.

  34. Hong, Andy. 2014. Do attitudes moderate the built environment impact on bicycle commuting? Findings from the 2009 National Household Travel Survey of the United States. Korean Local Administration Review, 11(2): 155-172.

  35. Hong, E. Andy and Bae, C.-H Christine. (2012). Exposure of bicyclists to air pollution in Seattle, Washington: Hybrid analysis using personal monitoring and land use regression. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2270: 59-66.


  1. Frank, L. D., Chapman, J., Iroz-Elardo, N., Hong, E. A. (2020) Methods and systems for detecting environment features in images, predicting location-based health metrics based on environment features, and improving health outcomes and costs. U.S. Patent Application No. 16/119,829.


  1. Jani, Anant and Hong, Andy (forthcoming) Urban Transitions, Green Infrastructure and Planetary Health. Economics of Planetary Health. The Rockefeller Foundation Planetary Health Economic Council. Oxford, UK.

  2. Hong, Andy (2018) Environmental Benefits of Active Transportation. In Richard Larouche (Ed.), Children’s Active Transportation. Cambridge, UK: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-811931-0.00002-8

Op-ed/media contribution

  1.  Hong, Andy. (2023). The City Looks Different When You’re Older. New York Times.

  2. Chakrabarti, Sandip & Hong, Andy. (2020) Keep cities moving during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Thomson Reuters Foundation News.

  3. Hong, Andy. (2019) What can London learn from car-free cities around the world? Thomson Reuters Foundation News.

Research Reports

  1. Hong, Andy. CitySensor: Development and pilot testing of urban environmental sensor using open-source hardware and software. Final report to the USC Graduate School, 2016.

  2. Hong, Andy, and Boarnet, Marlon, The Expo Light Rail Line: A context to examine how the urban environment is associated with physical activity. USC Lusk Center for Real Estate, 2013.

  3. Bae, C.-H Christine, Hong, Andy, Developing a methodology to measure and analyze bicyclist exposure to black carbon emissions: A pilot study. The Korea Transport Institute, Ilsan, Korea, 2011.

  4. Ginger, Noa, Hong, Andy, Murphy, John, Rose, Danielle, Schmiedeskamp, Peter, Snypp, Amanda, Torikai, Eiji, Bicycling planning, best practices, and count methodology. Puget Sound Regional Council, Seattle, 2010.

  5. Benson, Diana, Brey, Greg, Hong, Andy, Snypp, Amanda, Shoreline southeast subarea implementation strategy: Shoreline bicycle wayfinding. Northwest Center for Livable Communities, University of Washington, Seattle, 2010.

  6. Hong, Andy, Green transportation: the role of grassroots organizations in Seattle. In C.-H Christine Bae and Dana Spindler (eds.), Green growth: The case of Seattle. Korea Research Institute for Human Settlement, Seoul, 2010.

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